Launchpad Women’s Leadership Summit

Leading Through Times of Uncertainty & Transformation; Unleash Your Leadership Potential by “Turning Challenges into Opportunities” at The Chicago Network’s Launchpad Women’s Senior Leadership Summit.

On Thursday, September 19th, from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM at The University Club, embark on a journey of empowerment with a day of professional development tailored exclusively for emerging women leaders in director or vice-president level roles, paving the way to the C-suite. Participants will unleash their potential as they immerse themselves in high-level content, actionable leadership tools, and insights from seasoned leaders who have shattered glass ceilings.

Presenters and Session Descriptions

The Power of Emotional Intelligence with Carol Fitzgibbons, Director in the Leadership Acceleration Practice, Bravanti

Emotional Intelligence, or EI, is a term we hear a lot these days, especially as it relates to leadership. We know we need it, but do we really know what it means to have it?  Even more importantly, do we know how to develop more of it?  In this session, we’ll examine the four key components of Emotional Intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.  Then, we’ll dive even deeper into the competencies and behaviors we can cultivate in ourselves to enable our success in leadership and life.  You will also gain greater insight into your current Emotional Intelligence strengths and opportunities through a self-reflection exercise, and you will walk away with practical, actionable strategies you can use to enhance your Emotional Intelligence skills.

Managing Leadership Dilemmas with Jackie Gnepp, Ph.D., President and Founding Partner, Humanly Possible, Inc.

As a leader, you are faced with a dizzying array of challenges every day.  Some of these are problems that involve trade-offs, and you find that you can solve them and move on with your day.  Sometimes, though, you find that the same challenges keep recurring or that your solutions have unintended consequences that cause you to question them.  These latter challenges often represent a type of dilemma that we’ll call a “natural tension.”  Our session today will focus on understanding the essential nature of these dilemmas.  We’ll apply this understanding to analyze a natural tension in your own, personal leadership approach. We’ll go beyond that analysis to design an experiment you can try back in the workplace to shift your leadership approach in the direction of your choosing.  Through exercises and discussion, you will learn how to leverage these dilemmas in ways that strengthen your leadership skills and increase your value to your colleagues and to your organization.

Break Through the Mirrored Door | You’re More Ready Than You Think with Ellen Taaffe, Kellogg Professor, Board Director, and Author

At some point in their careers, many women encounter the mirrored door―the place where, when presented with opportunities, we reflect inward and hesitate, and deem we’re not ready or worthy enough to move forward, whether that is to raise our hands or go for the next role. But there is a way to break through, and to overcome the gendered expectations that girls and women internalize over our lifetimes that create a hidden barrier that keeps us from reaching our full potential. Professor and Author, Ellen Taaffe, will explain why the five success strategies―preparing to perfection, eagerly pleasing, fitting the mold, pushing pedal to the metal, and patiently performing and expecting rewards to follow―get us to a certain level, and then act as a double-edged sword and block/hinder the next step in our careers as expectations rise. We’ll explore and discuss what these strategies are, how they become obstacles, and ultimately, how to pivot and create the careers we desire and deserve.

Conference Goals

  • Engage high-potential women: This dynamic program will provide the tools and knowledge to propel women toward success.
  • Meet influential leaders: Network with some of the most powerful women in Chicagoland and expand your circle of influence.
  • Build community: Foster lasting connections and establish a foundational network that supports your career growth with both accomplished women who have achieved their longer-term career goals and those who are still on the journey.
  • Recognize high potential: This summit is an opportunity for employers to celebrate and acknowledge their high-potential team members.

Past Events

Universe+ Sponsors:

Universe Sponsors:

Galaxy Sponsors:

Lunar Sponsors:

The Chicago Network